Monday, February 21, 2011

If everybody else is doing it...

I decided that it was time to start a blog. 
(I'm not sure what indicates the time to start a blog.)
I've actually just started reading them after a long time away and thought - if everyone else can write a blog, I guess I can too.  
So, it begins.

Why now?
Recently I've stopped the facebooking habit I began a few years ago.  I've been off the page since November of last year.  After checking and re-checking the site and building my list of 200+ "friends" I realized that I couldn't/didn't want to keep up with it any more. Peeking at my profile after 4 months away, I have too much to catch up on than I'm willing to do. 

I do miss status updates though.  I'm afraid that if I post again, not only will I start the habit all over, but will also get a bunch of "where have you been?"s that I don't want to deal with.  So - I'm starting this instead.

Besides being more anonymous, I think this is a more focused endeavor while still being ego-fulfilling, of course.  

What will I post?
I haven't quite decided.  Probably updates on knitting projects, family goings on, interesting music ed musings, and other random things that peek my interest.  For now, I'll keep it at this.

Here goes nothing.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! I just had my 6 year anniversary of starting my blog. It was originally just knitting but it has grown to include all aspects of my life. I look forward to seeing what you write here.
