Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Weekend Update

I was afraid that when I went back to work that I would neglect this blog.  Realistically, I figured that I will only be able to post once a week.  I can live with that. 

A knitting update:
Gabby's dress (rav link) has been in hibernation this week.  It is definitely not a traveling project and by the time I get home, make and eat dinner, get Gabby to bed, and finish any lesson planning my brain just hasn't been able to focus on it.  I hope I can get it done by the summer, at least!

As for my DK project, I found the Mary Jane Top in the Twist Collective by Rachel Bishop and Sarah Johnson of Zephyr Style (rav link). So far, so good.  I've done about 75% of the raglan shaping and will be dividing for sleeves soon.  It's perfect travel knitting (for now) and I got a lot done on our journeys yesterday (more on that in a bit!) and while watching Gabby at gymnastics.

(It wanted to pose for you) 

In spinning news - there is none.  I attempted spinning the bamboo.  It spun.  It looked like poop.  I threw it out.  The end.  I have a bit of the spinning bug today, so perhaps I'll take out some nice, sane, BFL.  We'll see what the day holds.

In everything else, things are back to busy life after vacation.  Work was nutty, but it is nice to be back with the troops making music.  I really do have the best job in the world with the best students in the world. :)

We went on a journey yesterday to IKEA.  It's about a 40 minute trek - not too bad from home.  We went for a new mirror for our living room.  (I came home Monday to find our old mirror shattered on the floor with our very acrobatic and curious cat looking guilty in our bedroom. (No one was hurt in the process, just a big mess to clean.) Anyway, we trek to Stoughton and get to IKEA to buy a mirror.  Going through the marketplace we see that the bathroom set that we had pined over (Lillangen) is marked as "LAST CHANCE" and 25% off.  We had no plans of redoing the cabinets in our bathroom until the floor was fixed, but we instantly worried that this "perfect" set wouldn't be available anymore.  So, to make a long story short, the trip for a $50 mirror turned into a $700 trip with all of our furntiure for the bathroom in boxes in the attic until the floor is done.  I guess it's motivation to finish the project!

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